As a bee keeper I can never think about honey without thinking of bees. These little creatures are a miracle of nature. They work so hard day and night, they construct thier own house in perfect geometric beauty, every bee has thier important duty, and together they survive and create delicious honey. They perform pollination on many fruits and vegetables, they take nothing from nature, but they produce more then honey, also propolis, royal jelly, bees wax.
The honey bee population has been declining over the past 50 years. Beekeeping has become vital to the survival of the honey bee in response to this alarming trend. By consuming real honey and honey products like mead, you are assisting in the survival of one of the world’s most important pollinators.
the love of honey
The history of honey is ancient. An 8,000-year-old cave painting in Spain depicts honey harvesting, and we know it’s been used for food, medicine and more by cultures all over the world since. Honey is the natural, sweet substance produced by honey bees from the nectar of plants. Honey is composed of fructose, glucose, maltose, enzymes, minerals, vitamins and amino acids. The color of honey varies from almost clear to dark brown. The flavor and aroma vary, but are derived from the plant origin. Honey bees visit millions of blossoms in their lifetimes, making pollination of plants possible and collecting nectar to bring back to the hive.

Honey is one the worlds most faked and abused foods. In countries with low standards for food and quality, the natural product of honey is mixed with rice syrup, corn syrup, antibiotics, heavily heated, over filtered, filled with pesticides.
Identifiers such as pollen content, are completely stripped from the honey. Honey from China can be sent to Hungary and repacked as Hungarian Honey. This is honey fraud, with huge harm to bees and bee keepers in countries who have high standards.
Authenticity. Ensuring the honey is authentic as labelled, has not been switched from a cheap honey to a more expensive high market honey. Marketing one flower type as another.
Traceability. Knowing the source of the honey, the country, region, and bee hives that produced this honey.
Please carefully consider honey when you purchase.

Ask the wild bee what the Druid knows. Old English saying